Hello sweet souls. My name is Julie Souther, and I’m an Angel Reiki Healer. I’m wife to Tim and mom to my three beautiful daughters. When I became sick a few years ago, traditional medicine didn’t work for me, so I began to explore alternative treatments and discovered angel reiki. I was trained by Julie Jancius, The Angel Medium, and learned to work with God and my angels to improve my mental focus, pain, sleep, energy, and stress. I am now a certified angel reiki healer and can help you have a greater awareness of your connection to God and your angels to follow His plan for you. You will feel peace, joy, and love in your soul so you can see yourself, your life and path more clearly.

In Person Session
What people experience during a healing session varies on the recipient. While you are in a relaxed state and comfortable position, you will close your eyes and listen to me pray and use a form of meditation called guided imagery to put your mind and body at ease.
Long Distance Session
Did you know that energy can travel through space and time? In a long distance, virtual session, I will activate your soul using the same healing activities over the phone or FaceTime.
Sweet soul, I am here to teach you about God’s life purpose for you and to see the magic and beauty not only in life but in yourself. Angel Reiki helps to enhance and balance all aspects of your life. Angel Reiki is a powerful, yet gentle, hands-on healing process that allows angels to assist me in the process of healing an individual. It is a type of holistic healing that shifts mental, emotional, and spiritual stagnation and strengthens every cell in your body. Holistic Healing is the practice of health and wellness that considers the entire person and all of the internal and external factors affecting them. Balance is the key in healing, and it gives you an even greater awareness of your connection to God, raises your vibration so that you feel good and well, loved, supported, and guided to see the magic and beauty not only in life but most importantly in your soul.
I’d Love to Help you experience the energy, love, and healing from God, Source, Universe, or the Divine has to offer you.
What Are Angels and What Do They Have to Do With Healing?

Angels are very high vibrational energies created by God who are intelligent being to work on your body to help release physical, ancestral, emotional, and any imbalances across your lifetime.
During a session, a dedicated angel is responsible for the actual healing process. I just hold the space and do not interfere with Spirit’s work. I am only the bridge or a channel between the client and the angel.
Angels know everything about us. They know and understand our sadness, worry, anxiety, and the root cause, which are held and suppressed deep within the cells of our body. They can feel our vibrations whether they are low or high. These beautiful beings or extensions of the Divine, see us as one body with many dimensions to it and can work on our energy field covering the balance of the spiritual, mental, and emotional states in our bodies. Healing angels can remove all kinds of blockages from this lifetime and beyond.
Many scriptures in many different faiths tell of the angels’ great abilities as healers and guides, intervening with assistance in many of life’s challenging situations. Once we allow Angels to assist us, then we can move forward and continue on God’s path. Different angels may work on specific areas of the body. For example, Archangel Raphael might work on the heart charkra implying that you need to work on love, loss, or healing.
What Are Chakras?
You have 7 chakras in your body. Each chakra is where you hold the most energy. I use God’s energy, love and healing in each one, along with your angels to bring you peace and joy. Let’s explore each one:
Root Chakra
Located at the base of your spine – This is your area of safety, security, and grounding. This represents who you are, your goals, and how you will navigate through life discovering your true self. It is associated with the color red.
Sacral Chakra
Located just below the naval in the lower abdomen. This is considered to represent creativity and sexual energy. It is associated with the color orange.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Located around the naval. This is our energy center and related to our personal identity and inner child. It is associated with the color yellow.
Heart Chakra
Located at the center of the chest. This is the center of love. It is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realm. It is associated with the color green.
Throat Chakra
Located in the entire throat, neck and mouth area. It is the center of communication and self-expression. It is associated with the color blue.
Third Eye Chakra
Located on the forehead between the brows. It is the center for our mind, intuition, awareness, and wisdom. It is associated with the color indigo.
Crown Chakra
Located at the top of the head. It is the connection to God, the Divine, or the Universe. It is the place for higher thinking. It is associated with the color violet or white.
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